Our Mission & Values

We strive to create an overall more survivor-centered experience with a multidisciplinary approach that places priority for the health and safety of the sexual assault survivor first and foremost. We achieve this by decreasing wait times and transfers, streamlining the procedural process, lifting the staff demand off of the personnel of the emergency department, and shifting the responsibility to a more experienced, more qualified, focused, and unpressured nursing provider.

We believe in creating and maintaining SANE positions in which they are emotionally and professionally supported and uplifted, as well as properly compensated for the immeasurable amount of responsibility they willingly face. In doing so, we create a stronger, unified voice for survivor advocacy at a state and national level.

By creating strong, meaningful relationships with multiple hospitals within a shared geographic area, we can supply continuous coverage for this much needed service to multiple regions, while eliminating hospitals’ needs for added administrative staff, in-house SANEs, and navigating the logistics of a single hospital on-call service. By sharing the limited resource of SANEs with other local hospitals, this collaborative agreement greatly decreases individual hospital’s fiduciary strain by creating a shared-cost model, while supplying superior care for the survivor.