Our mission is to provide timely, compassionate and precise care to each and every survivor of sexual assault. We strive to create a more survivor-centered, multidisciplinary approach, which places priority on the sexual assault survivor’s health & safety first and foremost. We achieve this by decreasing wait times and transfers, streamlining the procedural process, lifting the staff demand off of the personnel of the emergency department, and shifting the responsibility to a more qualified, experienced, focused and unpressured nursing provider.


  • Provide 100% compliance with IDPH guidelines.
    Create strong & meaningful relationships with multiple hospitals, within a regionalized area, based on their needs & historical data.
  • Supply continuous coverage up to 24/7/365, or tailored
    to your hospital’s needs for 100% accountability.
  • Eliminate redundancy & costly needs for:
    • Added Administrative Staff
    • In-house Trained SANEs Nurses
    • Navigating on-call service logistics of a single hospital
  • We greatly offset individual hospital’s financial strain by utilizing the limited number of SANEs nurses with other local hospitals.